11/28/24 The New York Times: Yiddish Is a Supposedly Dying Language That’s Thrillingly Alive
8/1/24 Jewish Renaissance: Tales of (Yiddish) New York
7/30/24 WRUU Contemporary Classics: Conversation with Alex Weiser
7/28/24 In Geveb: In The Great Dictionary of Yiddish Language, the dictionary dazzles
7/3/24 AllMusic: Alex Weiser: in a dark blue night Review
5/22/24 Forward: Opera brings to life the poignant fate of the Great Yiddish Dictionary
5/20/24 Beyond the Music: The Breath of the City
3/31/24 Oyer.fm: Alex Weiser captures the dusky nights of New York immigrants
3/30/24 Culturedarm: Tracks of the Week
3/30/24 The Arts Desk: Classical CDs: Fog, overdubs and broken glass
3/14/24 The Shmooze: in a dark blue night: two song cycles on Yiddish/Jewish New York
3/08/24 Ruch Muzyczny: O sztuce i materii
2/24/24 Polityka: Muzyka łagodna i refleksyjna
2/24/24 Polskie Radio: Alex Weiser: koncert "Tfiles" pisałem tak, jakbym pisał pieśń
1/31/24 Take Effect: Ashley Bathgate
1/11/24 Opera Ramblings: Sara Schabas – In a Dark Blue Night
12/15/23 Tablet Magazine: Tevye’s Forgotten Daughter
9/14/23 The Wholenote: Editor's Corner
9/23 Textura: Ashley Bathgate: 8-Track
8/7/23 Bandcamp: The Best Contemporary Classical on Bandcamp: July 2023
7/27/23 New York Times: 5 Classical Music Albums You Can Listen to Right Now
7/12/23 Star Tribune: Review: Cantus ends its season with moving music by Jewish composers
7/12/23 Pioneer Press: Review: Cantus' performance shows off impact of Weiser song cycle
7/23 Pakntreger: The Yiddish Dictionary That Inspired an Opera
6/27/23 Gapplegate: Ashley Bathgate, 8-Track, Minimalist Goodies for Cello(s)
1/23 Sapir Journal: The Jewish Future Needs Yiddish
12/22 Textura: Alex Weiser: water hollows stone
12/08/22 The Merzbau Podcast Episode 6: Alex Weiser on Fra Angelico's 'The Last Judgement'
12/22 The Whole Note: Editors Corner
11/30/22 Reboot: Yiddish Folksong: Past, Present & Future
10/23/22 Modern Notebook with Tyler Kline
10/11/22 Gapplegate Classical-Modern Music Review: Alex Weiser, Hocket, Water Hollows Stone
5/11/22 Jewish Standard: Reviving forgotten Yiddish folk songs
12/28/21 Tablet Magazine: Streets of New York
10/28/21 The Shmooze: Episode 0310: The Great Dictionary of the Yiddish Language"
5/3/21 Jewish Book Council: Setting Yiddish Poetry to Music: A Conversation with Alex Weiser
1/4/21 The New Yorker: in a dark blue night
12/30/20 Tablet Magazine: Yiddish Poetry, Set to Music
12/21/20 Forverts: Musical premiere: New York at night in Yiddish poetry [Yiddish]
9/22/20 Haaretz: The Music of Alex Weiser: Yiddish Was Like A Homecoming For Me [Hebrew]
7/5/20 Bund Podcast: Episode 7: Alex Weiser
6/30/20 Premiere: Classical music compositions inspired by Yiddish folksongs [Yiddish]
5/13/20 The Jewish Week: Work at YIVO Inspires Finalist for a Pulitzer
5/12/20 NYU Steinhardt News: Composition Alum is Finalist for Pulitzer Prize in Music
5/7/20 Forward: Album of Yiddish songs is nominated for a Pulitzer [English]
5/6/20 Forverts: Album of Yiddish songs is nominated for a Pulitzer [Yiddish]
5/6/20 Tablet Magazine: Yiddish Album Gets Pulitzer Recognition
5/4/20 New Music Box: Anthony Davis Wins 2020 Pulitzer Prize In Music
1/8/20 Jewish Journal: A Glimpse of Zion
1/7/20 Radio Sefarad: Alex Weiser: historia, sonido y creatividad
12/18/19 The Algemeiner: Theodor Herzl at the Opera
12/12/19 The Shmooze: Episode 0240 "Riffing with Alex Weiser"
12/6/19 kan reshet bet: Omer Ben Rubi im tarbut yom vav [Hebrew]
12/5/19 Forward: New Opera About Theodor Herzl Explores His Complex Nature [English]
12/4/19 Forverts: New Opera About Theodor Herzl Explores His Complex Nature [Yiddish]
11/28/19 The Times of Israel: State of the Jews: The Operatic Life of Herzl
11/26/19 The Jewish Week: A N.Y.C. Opera Will Give Herzl's Wife A Star Turn
8/1/19 American Record Guide: WEISER: And All The Days Were Purple
7/17/19 Second Inversion: Album Review: 'And All the Days Were Purple' by Alex Weiser
6/22/19 An Earful: Record Roundup: Contemporary Classical In Brief
6/13/19 I Care If You Listen: Alex Weiser Explores the Divine on "and all the days were purple"
6/10/19 The New Yorker: Goings On About Town: Alex Weiser
6/4/19 WRUU Contemporary Classics: Conversation with Alex Weiser
6/19 Textura: Alex Weiser: and all the days were purple
5/11/19 The Daily Beast: For Some Jews, Yiddish History Is Sanctuary. For Others, It's 'Dangerous.'
4/24/19 Tablet Magazine: The Joys of Yiddish Poetry
4/12/19 Sequenza 21 / Get Classical: And All The Days Were Purple
4/2/19 LABA Journal: Jewish But Not Judaic: Alex Weiser's New Album
3/27/19 The Forward: From Alex Weiser, A New Musical Home For Yiddish
3/27/19 Roulette: Spotlight On Alex Weiser
12/10/18 Feast of Music: Songs About "The Song of Songs" at YIVO
5/13/18 Lucid Culture: The Bang on a Can Marathon 2018 - A Marathon Report
3/6/18 Oregon Artswatch: Spontaneous Combustion reviews 2: sublime solos, dynamic duo
6/25/17 The New York Times: Cellist in an Echo Chamber, Echo Chamber
5/30/17 Feast of Music: "and all the days were purple": Music by Alex Weiser at Roulette
6/24/16 Relevant Tones: The Young Generation
6/14/16 I Care If You Listen: Kettle Corn New Music Closes 4th Season with Epitaphs and Fairytales
6/1/16 Sybaritic Singer: in Performance: Kettle Corn New Music featuring Cantata Profana
5/26/16 Rockaway Times: Keeping Classical Music Alive with Kettle Corn
11/16/15 New Classic LA: HOCKET interviews Alex Weiser
6/8/15 New York Times: Lisa Moore at DiMenna Center
5/7/15 I Care If You Listen: Three Nights at MATA Keeps Your Ear on its Toes
4/20/15 Wall Street Journal: Kids These Days
9/25/14 I Care If You Listen: Kettle Corn hosts Sandbox Percussion
9/16/14 Feast of Music: A Showcase for the Power of Percussion at Kettle Corn New Music
8/20/14 I Care If You Listen: Kettle Corn New Music Satisfies Audience's Sweet Tooth
8/7/14 Metroland: Bang on a Can Summer Music Festival
6/5/14 The Brooklyn Rail: MATA April 17, 2014: That Which Remains
6/4/14 The Huffington Post: Kettle Corn Pops at the DiMenna Center
5/5/14 Lucid Culture: An Auspicious Portrait of Emerging Composers...
5/4/14 Seen and Heard International: A Collage of the Edgy and the Creative
8/5/13 Feast of Music: Kettle Corn New Music Brings Innovative Art Songs to Spectrum
8/5/13 The Huffington Post: The Sound of Young Composers
5/25/13 New York Times: New Tunes, Old Friends and Poems Set to Song